Who do we hire if want to start an EB-5 regional center? - EB5Investors.com

Who do we hire if want to start an EB-5 regional center?

What type of attorneys and other service providers do we reach out to to form an EB-5 regional center and attract EB-5 investors?


Salvatore Picataggio

Salvatore Picataggio

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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You should start with EB-5 immigration lawyers, who can assemble a business plan writer, economist, securities attorney and other professionals.

Julia Roussinova

Julia Roussinova

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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Hire an experienced EB-5 immigration attorney who specializes in EB-5 regional center work. He or she will generally guide you as to the team of professionals needed, but they will need to include an EB-5 economist, an EB-5 business plan writer, a SEC attorney, and a corporate attorney.

Marisa Casablanca

Marisa Casablanca

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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In order to start an EB-5 regional center, you would need to hire an economist and business plan writer, both specialized in EB-5, along with an immigration, corporate and SEC attorney.

Kyle Barella

Kyle Barella

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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The creation of a USCIS approved regional center requires a group of professionals. However, an EB-5 immigration attorney should facilitate the entire process. As such, you should certainly start with an immigration attorney. You may be advised to seek counsel from a securities attorney as well.

Raymond Lahoud

Raymond Lahoud

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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You would hire an immigration attorney to draft the necessary paperwork to start a regional center. This is a very detailed process.

Debbie Klis

Debbie Klis

Securities Attorneys
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Ideally, you will hire an experienced securities\corporate attorney, as well as an experienced EB-5 immigration attorney, as well as a qualified economist to prepare the economist report for your first project whether you are applying as a hypothetical, exemplar or actual project. Some folks also use business plan writers to write their regional center business plan as well as the business plan for the purse project. In addition, the project will need feasibility studies and appraisals to support the project, so if you own the underlying project, you will need to hire these professionals as well. I hope this information was helpful.

Shahzad Q Qadri

Shahzad Q Qadri

RC Creators
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You will need an immigration and a securities attorney.

Fredrick W Voigtmann

Fredrick W Voigtmann

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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The regional center team would likely include an immigration attorney, a securities attorney, a business attorney, a business plan writer, an economist, and individuals with proven experience and track records in real estate development.

Irina A. Rostova

Irina A. Rostova

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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You can reach out to an immigration, securities or corporate attorney, but you need to make sure that they specialize in EB-5. Any attorney that works with EB-5 will help put the team of professionals together, which will do all the necessary work. Attorneys do not attract investors though; you will need to work with foreign agents or foreign immigration consultants.

Robert V Cornish Jr

Robert V Cornish Jr

Securities Attorneys
Answered on

While many law firms have relationships with agents, that should not be your first priority. You should find skilled securities counsel with EB-5 formation experience, as well as securities compliance expertise to assist you in compliance with broker-dealer regulations and new requirements likely to be in the revised EB-5 legislation.

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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My view as an immigration lawyer is you start by hiring an experienced one who can act as your quarterback or general manager and build the team, which includes securities counsel, an economist and who can guide you on marketing.

BoBi Ahn

BoBi Ahn

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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An immigration attorney experienced in EB-5 processing can assist you in applying for regional center designation.

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