Gene M. Burke serves as the general counsel and vice president of J&C International Group and related companies, including CA EB-5 Express LLC and NY EB-5 Express LLC. Founded in Los Angeles, Calif., J&C is an immigration consulting, business development, and business management company. The company handles the financing, development, and management aspects of properties across the United States, and works with a number of overseas clients. J&C helps foreign investors become U.S. citizens through the EB-5 program.
Mr. Burke has extensive experience in business and legal development as they relate to EB-5 projects. He has served as the general counsel to several California and national companies in the real estate development sector, for whom he has worked on the building of urban, residential, commercial, and hospitality projects. Such projects have included shopping centers, casinos, high-rises, and hotels, along with apartment buildings, government buildings, and other redevelopments. In addition to working on the land acquisition process, and Mr. Burke has also handled aspects of planning, development, financing, construction, and project marketing.
Furthermore, Mr. Burke has particular expertise in acquiring and structuring financing for business developments. He has participated in the acquisition of mezzanine, bridge, and defeasance financing from both institutional and private lenders. He has also structured the securities documentation required for approval of projects. In addition, his background includes extensive lobbying of leaders at the national, state, and local levels to obtain government approval and assistance for business projects. Similarly, he has worked with numerous securities issuers, along with government compliance departments.
A member of the State Bar of California, Mr. Burke is also a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar and a Judge Pro Tem for the Los Angeles Superior Court. He is an undergraduate alumni of Duquesne University, in Pittsburgh, Penn., and he graduated from the San Fernando Valley College of Law in Woodland Hills, Calif.