Will pregnant women be considered a public charge? - EB5Investors.com

Will pregnant women be considered a public charge?

I recently received my EB-5 visa from the Indonesian consulate. My wife and I are planning to go to the U.S. soon. My wife is 28 weeks pregnant. Would we be considered a public charge if my wife is pregnant while I do not have a job yet when we arrive at the U.S. border?


Lynne Feldman

Lynne Feldman

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Best is to arrange for private health insurance for her to be sure this issue does not arise.

Marko Issever

Marko Issever

EB-5 Broker Dealers
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As long as you can show that you have enough funds to take care of your medical needs and basic sustenance pregnancy of your wife, it should not be a reason for denial of entry.

Charles Foster

Charles Foster

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No. The fact that your wife is pregnant should not in any way affect her eligibility to be issued an EB-5 immigrant visa and to be admitted into the U.S. as a conditional lawful permanent resident.

BoBi Ahn

BoBi Ahn

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No, not unless she becomes primarily dependent on government for subsistence (i.e., receives public case assistance, etc.).

Salvatore Picataggio

Salvatore Picataggio

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You may want to be prepared to show you have the means to afford medical care if it&#39s possible you&#39ll be here through the birth.

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

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Pregnancy is not a reason for a public charge. If you obtained a green card through EB-5, you are almost by definition a high net worth individual, so I would absolutely not be worried. It is helpful if you have a job offer, or if you can show you have assets and/or that you plan to open a business. The basic standard for public charge is the HHS Poverty Datum information and you might be viewed as a family of three, not two. For 2019 the amount needed annually is $21,330.

Hassan Elkhalil

Hassan Elkhalil

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Did you mean you received your EB-5 visa from the U.S. embassy in Indonesia? Was your wife included with you in the EB-5 application? Did she also receive an EB-5 visa? If you can show that you have enough money to pay for the hospital bill and other expenses, you should be OK.

Julia Roussinova

Julia Roussinova

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EB-5 investors and their derivatives are not subject to an I-864 affidavit of support requirement. A pregnant wife should not be a reason for a public charge finding in an EB-5 investor&#39s immigrant visa case. Discuss with your immigration attorney.

Sally Amirghahari

Sally Amirghahari

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Phuong Le

Phuong Le

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While possible, unlikely this alone would trigger public charge (especially if you can show that you&#39re self-sustaining and have the funds to take care of yourself if anything happened). You may have questions about the pregnancy and your intentions, though, but that&#39s a whole different matter.

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