Why do most EB-5 Immigrant Investors come from China? - EB5Investors.com

Why do most EB-5 Immigrant Investors come from China?

If USCIS caps the number of EB-5 visas given to any one country at 7% of all EB-5 visas given worldwide, why does the press report that Chinese nationals account for 90% of EB-5 visas granted?


Salvatore Picataggio

Salvatore Picataggio

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Wealthy investors from China were very passionate about the program and took to it in record numbers. There are many other markets interested in EB-5, as well, including other countries in Asia, South America and Europe.

Julia Roussinova

Julia Roussinova

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As one of the largest economies in the world, China has a significant number of high net worth individuals who are interested in immigrating to the U.S. or have their children immigrate permanently. Migration agents are widely common in China who market various Regional Center projects to Chinese investors for high referral fees. It is more difficult to market projects in other countries.

BoBi Ahn

BoBi Ahn

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There is a highly promoted program in China in which motivated brokers market the United States projects for referral fees, etc.; hence, the popularity. High net worth Chinese nationals are also interested in having their children live and be educated in the U.S.

Jinhee Wilde

Jinhee Wilde

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There are 1.3 billion people in China. This means there are more people with assets of $1 million or more who can afford to participate in the program. Also, the migration agent system is better established in Asian countries such as China, Vietnam and Korea, where agents have a steady source of potential immigrants seeking their services. Thus, instead of the regional centers trying to locate individual investors one at a time, all they have to do is have a contract/relationship with those migration agents and could reach dozens, if not hundreds of clients from one agent every year.

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

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China has the second largest economy in the world with over 1 million millionaires, and there are over 300,000 Chinese students studying in the United States. The percentage was 85% but it is currently below 75% and dropping because of the current 3-year waiting line for Chinese nationals. China has been able to claim other unused visas from the rest of the world, however that allocation is also shrinking.

Irina A. Rostova

Irina A. Rostova

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In China, there is a profession called "migration consultant". These consultants are licensed professionals who advise Chinese nationals on international migration programs. Migration consultants have a steady flow of Chinese nationals who come to them looking for migration options. Regional centers can promote their projects through these consultants while, in other countries, regional centers/project developers need to market themselves and search for investors on their own. Therefore, it is easier to find more investorsand find them fasterthrough the Chinese network of migration consultants than in other countries where that network is absent.

A Olusanjo Omoniyi

A Olusanjo Omoniyi

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There is no limit to who can apply for an EB-5 immigrant visa. This is precisely what applies in the case of Chinese investors. Thus, the EB-5 industry and program have immensely benefitted with the substantial petitions from Chinese nationals. However, with reference to the number of visas awarded/allocated per country, this a totally different question, as USCIS capped the number per country at 7% of all EB-5 visas given worldwide. The claim that Chinese investors represent 90% of EB-5 visas granted is not true. In fact, at no time has the total number of applicants for EB-5 petitions ever reached 90%. Advisably, if you want to petition for EB-5, please feel free to do so as the above facts will not diminish your chance, particularly if you can meet the basic requirements of EB-5.

Charles Foster

Charles Foster

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Most EB-5 investors come from China simply because there are more Chinese nationals that make the decision to file an EB-5 Investor Petition on Form I-526 than any other nationality. That is due in part to certain push factors, including the desire of Chinese families to give their single child a better educational opportunity and for that child to have greater flexibility and employment upon their graduation, concerns about the difficulty of getting into top universities in China, concerns about the environment and, for some, political stability. It is also a result of the fact that China has developed a very large middle class that can raise the necessary funds and show their lawful source of funds through selling real estate that has greatly appreciated over the last several decades.

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