What rules do EB-5 investors have to follow when looking for projects? - EB5Investors.com

What rules do EB-5 investors have to follow when looking for projects?

I'm currently in the United States on a visitor visa. Are there any rules or regulations that I have to follow when I'm searching for an EB-5 project to invest in? If I have friends or business associates who may also be interested in investment through the EB-5 program, am I allowed to share investment information with them?


BoBi Ahn

BoBi Ahn

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Answered on

Yes, you can share info regarding investment opportunities with friends and family without violating the securities law for unlicensed brokering, as long as you are not marketing or receiving a commission from the projects, etc.

Julia Roussinova

Julia Roussinova

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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Hire an experienced EB-5 immigration attorney. He or she may recommend due diligence professionals to review and analyze prospective regional center or direct projects for you.

Charles Foster

Charles Foster

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Yes, you have to follow all the laws and regulations regarding the EB-5 program. The EB-5 project in which you invest must comply with the laws and regulations. You are certainly able to share investment information regarding a possible investment in an EB-5 job creating entity with a friend or business associate.

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Bernard P Wolfsdorf

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
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The key is to hire top professionals with extensive experience. Yes, you can discuss options with your licensed due diligence professionals. You must carefully review all risk factors before investing.

Irina A. Rostova

Irina A. Rostova

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
Answered on

It is highly recommended to use an attorney of a financial adviser to help you in the search process. Generally, you just need to comply with the Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA). Each project usually has you register or sign an NDA before they can release full investment information to you. You should only share it with your circle of advisers and should not distribute it to other investors.

Lynne Feldman

Lynne Feldman

Find EB-5 Visa Lawyers: Immigration Attorneys Directory
Answered on

There is a fine line between being an unlicensed securities broker and just chatting with friends on what you have learned.

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