My wife and I just got documentarily qualified by the NVC after an EB-5 green card became available for us and we submitted our DS-260. We have the option to either go through consular processing in Guangzhou (country of citizenship) or Montreal (country of residence). Is there any way of knowing how long it approximately takes to receive an interview at either of these consulates? I understand that timelines may vary based on individual factors but we are just trying to get a general sense of approximately how long we should expect the wait to be, and which option makes more sense.

Bernard P Wolfsdorf
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersYou have a choice as to which post to apply and both appear to be reasonable and fair in adjudicating EB-5 cases. The date when you submitted the DS-260 is not controlling. A visa has to be available under the Final Action Date in order to have a final green card interview scheduled.

Sunwook Sunny An
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersAfter COVID, all the consular posts have extremely long backlog for visa interviews. Populace Posts, such as Guangzhou, are taking more than a year to get an appointment after DS-260 filing. If you are actually residing in Canada, you may wish to contact your lawyer to move the consular post for interview to Montreal so that you do not have to fly to Guangzhou just for the interview.

Belma Demirovic Chinchoy
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersMontreal is taking FOREVER longer than it should. However, if you are documentarily qualified already, stick with the consulate where you are. Transferring will add a significant amount of time.

Lynne Feldman
Find the Best EB5 Visa LawyersIf the Priority Date is current and the case number is a GUZ # then you are set for Guangzhou. To change to Montreal will delay the case as they need to issue a new MTL case number and will require Montreal''s consent. Both are showing great improvement 1-6 months after DQ.
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