From our Sponsors: Migration agency Khai Phu moves into new office in HCMC
The new office is located in the consulate area in HCMC and will serve HNWI emigrating to the United States and other parts of the world.
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The new office is located in the consulate area in HCMC and will serve HNWI emigrating to the United States and other parts of the world.
Read MoreCash and property gifts are common in some EB-5 markets. Attorneys explain the choices when that money cannot be traced back.
Read MoreAsia remains the dominant region for EB-5 visa issues, followed by South America. The number of allocations fell for India and Vietnam.
Read MorePanelists stressed reviewing EB-5 project documents, assessing the status of developers and Regional Centers, and cautioned against deciding only on processing times.
Read MoreAccording to the State Department, these EB-5 application dates are not expected to change significantly before the end of the 2024 fiscal year.
Read MoreNotably, the data is outdated and does not include Form I-526/I-526E filing numbers over the past four months, says EB-5 attorney Joseph Barnett.
Read MoreThey advise that the information must be more conclusive regarding a potential new backlog for I-526 petitions for High Unemployment Areas (HUA) projects
Read MoreThe timeframe for when a visa becomes available for calculating the age of children about to age out in an EB-5 application was extended.
Read MoreDespite the grand opening of the Hudson Yard project in 2019, the EB-5 investors who helped finance it, pooling in about $1 billion, are still waiting for their money back.
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